Frequently Asked Questions...


Q:  What are the precise steps I need to go through to obtain my on-line degree from Ashcroft?

A:  The steps to take are as follows:

1) Go to our "On-line Assessment Form" and fill in the fields that
apply to you. That should take you all of 5 to 6 minutes to do.

2)  We will contact you within approximately 24-36 hours to confirm that your application is being considered and provide interim details of our pre-enrolment fee and our standard admission fees.

3) To help validate the information you submitted using our on-line admissions questionnaire, we will require you to forward relevant certified copies of all certificates, diplomas, transcripts, awards, and employment details, as indicated on the questionnaire -- complete with contact information for each of the schools and / or organisations you listed. 

Any records that can not be confirmed or verified, to our satisfaction, will be invalidated and the final course conditions will be adjusted accordingly.

4) After the validation process has been completed and your admission fees paid in full, a
Final Study Programme will be forwarded to you via certified post.

Final Study Programme, will contain study schedules, assignment details, and all the required books and related course material you will need to complete your degree.


Q:  If my employer requests a copy of my transcript, do you send them one?

A:  We will send an official copy of your transcript directly to your employer, or, if you prefer, we can send it directly to you. (There is a small charge for this service).


Q:  Are there any residential requirements to attend Ashcroft

A:  No, there are no country residential requirements.


Q:  How do I contact you if I need to? 

A:  The best way to reach us is via email:
admissions [at]


Q:  How does it work when someone inquires about the authenticity of my diploma and transcript from Ashcroft?

A:  Ashcroft University will, with your permission, and upon written request, confirm the degree awarded, its date and subject, and offer continuous assistance to substantiate the validity and substance of your degree.


Q:  Are you accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges?

A:  No. We are not accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Likewise, many schools in the world are also not accredited by this particular association. Why? Because, as of yet, there are no worldwide agreed upon standards for accreditation.


Q:  Can you guarantee that all universities in the world will accept credits from Ashcroft University?

A:  No. We  can not guarantee all universities will accept credits from Ashcroft, as there are many different factors involved. 

However, if you are not 100% sure the university you have in mind will accept credits from Ashcroft, we highly recommend you find an alternative university that will be able to offer you the guarantee you're looking for.


Q:  Why don't I see any fees listed or your on-line degree programmes?

A:  Fees vary from student to student, depending on the particular programme chosen and the study material and text book requirements for that degree programme.


Q:  Can I see a sample of an official Ashcroft University diploma and transcript?

A:  Absolutely. To view a sample diploma and transcript (minus
signatures and seals) click on the links below.


Preview diploma                            Preview transcript


Q:  Does Ashcroft University publish a Student Directory?

A:  Yes. A copy of the current Student Directory can be downloaded Here


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